Ever wanted to work for a big time Nascar team? No? Did you know that some pit crew members make upwards of $2000 a week? OK, now you do? Thought so. Read the May 2007 issue and find out how you too can make the big bucks in the big leagues.
Sometimes in racing, your season is going along smoothly and suddenly your finishes start to decline and your crew starts grumble. What do you do? The article ‘Finding Your Groove’ will help you sort out all those little gremilns.
The time-honored method of stringing your car is covered in detail and is an article that should be read by every wannabe crew chief. A couple of pages are dedicated to keeping your power up with everything you wanted to know about generators. Also talked about are shocks and headers.
There is a neat little article about Bobby Labonte buying Earl Pearson Jr.’s late model dirt team. How cool is that!