I thought I knew what cool was. I was wrong. Dice is cool and all else sucks. Dice is a ‘pocket’ size mag that covers mostly choppers. Real choppers, no OCC crap. No live to ride, leather chap wearing weekend warriors. This is the real deal.
Tim O’Keefe’s rigid is stunningly beautiful. A flaked and scalloped wonder of the world. What some may call a dream bike. It’s in my dreams at least. Nick Svennson’s bad-ass Pan is another bike that is haunting my slumbers. Flake and lace paint, a knobby front tire and springer front end makes up one fine motorcicle.
Dice lets the builder tell the story. And the reviews section is top notch but I really don’t want Dr. Glory in my doctor’s office. Top it off with a hysterical look at facial hair and you’ve got a great mag.