CK Deluxe is the sister magazine to Ol’ Skool Rodz. Oddly enough they seem to cover the same subject material, cool cars, the occasional motorcycle and hot pin-ups. Which to say isn’t a bad thing, but do we need two magazines covering the same thing?
This issue has event coverage of the 7th annual Rat Fink party, the Hot Rod Reunion in Bakersfield, CA and the Ducktail Run in Gas City, IN. There were some good comments on the flamethrower contest at the Ducktail Run but not enough pictures! Come on, who just talks about flamethrowers but doesn’t show any pyro?!?!?!?!?
Issue #21 has some nice rides too. Jim Ireland’s ‘33 Plymouth Coupe went to Bonneville and almost conquered. The story seemed a bit brief and glossed over details on a very neat ride. A real nice Model A sedan that went to Bonneville and did conquer. Who doesn’t love a homemade tunnel-rammed 500" Caddy!
And then there is the prerequisite Bo Huff car. Now don’t get me wrong, Bo has built some very cool cars(the Merc in this issue is no different) and seems to be a really nice guy but CK Deluxe and Ol’ Skool Rodz apparently has a Bo quota for every issue! Seriously does Bo have some scandalous pictures of some of the staff? He’s everywhere!!!
But in the end the only big gripe I have with Issue #21 is the newsprint section is very dark. Which makes it hard to read and loses some details with the images. Probably a printing error but it was worth noting.