Spurred on by the major publications and tv coverage, rockcrawling has been growing and growing. So it’s safe to say, that someone would start a magazine dedicated solely to hardcore rockcrawling. Crawl magazine claims it to be ‘the most hardcore off-road magazine in the world’. I don’t know if that’s true but it is damn cool.
The March/April 2007 issue has a nice balance of wheelin’ in the rocks and wheelin’ on the trails. Not everybody has access to rocks, so it’s nice to see some love for Midwestern off-roading. There is coverage of the Toys For Tots run at the Badlands ORV Park in Attica, IN. You get to help out kids and wheel?!?! What more do you want? And you can’t beat snow wheelin’ in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. You never know what’s lurking under a few inches of fresh powder.
Of course you can’t forget the rocks where all the crawling started. There is an article on the All-Pro Jambo at the Hammers in Johnson Valley, CA. It looked like an axle breaking good time. I really don’t dig ‘competition’ rock crawling. I can appreciate the trucks(buggies?) and it looks like fun but watching someone crawl sometimes is like watching paint dry. This issue has coverage of W.E. ROCK’s 2007 Put Up or Shut Up event in Arizona. Buggies, buggies, buggies.
There is a really good article on U-joint tech, some nice truck/buggy features and an amazingly complex, detailed, wonderfully articulated article on hanging balls from your bumper.
Crawl has a nice blend of all the different facets of off-roading. And the nice thing is they don’t take things too seriously. We are just playing in the dirt.