Every rod builder has, at one time or another, tried to paint their car. Some come out pristine, some not so much. The June 2007 Rod and Custom covers some paint topics that aren’t normally covered.
The Spade Brothers show how to flake out a ‘32 Ford. From basecoat to clear, everything is covered. And it turns out very nice. They can come over and spray my sedan when I’m ready! There is an article on the pros and cons of flattened paint. Suede is very popular and this feature shows you how to get a finish that will last through the rigors of driving.
On the cover you get a glance of ASTROSLED. Wowzy is this cool(did I just say wowzy?). Dave Shuten created this Roth-inspired masterpiece. I mean, come on, he flaked the transmission. Radir mags, blown hemi(I love the exhaust) and cool paint make this thee showcar of the 21st Century. Also featured is a ‘28 Ford sedan delivery built by Terry and Margie Booth. Sure they cut up a extremely rare car and hot rodded it, who cares. Screw the restorers!
There is coverage of the 2007 Grand National Roadster show. All the top cars are pictured including, James Hetfield’s ‘53 Buick, "Lost" star Matthew Fox’s in-progress chopped Merc, John D’Agostino’s ‘57 Olds and a slew of others. A small portion covers the 75 Top Deuces(Fred Steele’s roadster is a personal favorite) and the Suede Palace which has a pic of my buddies Aaron Von Minden’s ‘30 Model A Coupe(you rock!). Oh yeah they show the Americas Most Beautiful Roadster winner. Forgettable.
Also there is an article on the new book "The Art Of Von Dutch". Looks like a must read.