I opened up the mail and lo and behold some Weesner art stared at me from the cover of Issue #12 of Dice. Now that’s the way to start off a magazine! Issue #12 is a bit thicker and that can only be a good thing.
More choppers, more choppers and more choppers. As if God reached down and touched the editors. Well something touched them. I’m not sure what. Bill Mize’s Pan is beautiful. I really don’t know where Dice keeps finding these bikes but they need to tell me! Greg Coddington’s flattie, metal flaked vision of a dirt track bobber is something that should be put in my garage. Now.
There are some cool vintage skateboarding pics, part two of the Dice Style bible(denim cutoffs) and again more choppers. You can never have enough choppers. Hell there is a picture of Slade inside the front cover! Cum on feel the noize.