Ahh, the Rodder’s Journal. When you get a new issue in your hands it’s like the moment you held your first born. You were teary eyed, excited and full of anticipation. Or maybe it’s like Christmas morning and you see all the packages under the tree. You can’t wait to tear into the biggest one. Or maybe it’s like your first sexual experience... ok I won’t go there.
But The Rodder’s Journal is such a quality publication you can’t help but dive right in. And issue #35 is no exception. The Rodder’s Journal is always written with an absolute love for hot rods and customs. And there is never a simple numbers article. You know the kind , ‘Bill put in a 350/350, 9", Mustang II, blah, blah, blah’. They are mini-stories that are actually worth reading. And the photos are first rate. You get rare black and whites, beautiful color shots and the in-studio pictures are breathtaking.
Issue #35 has some eye-catching hot rods. Roger Berstrom’s ‘32 Ford Roadster is fantastic. I mean come on, Ardun-head, Halibrands, perfect body and it was built in Sweeden! A cool piece on Japanese rodders, Eric Clapton’s latest build, a ‘32 Ford Vick and coverage of Cacklefest from Bakersfield and Bowling Green. Some nice pics of Barney Navarro’s ‘27 Roadster. I love that car! And it all ends with one stunning, hand formed ‘41 Willys. Jaw dropping doesn’t even cover it. I think I actually licked the pictures. Did I say that out loud?