OK so some people can write. And there are some people who can WRITE! Cole Coonce is the second type. To say Cole Coonce loves drag racing is an understatement. He bleeds drag racing. His life is not complete unless he is sucking on nitro.
Top Fuel Wormhole is a compilation of articles Cole has written through the years for various publications like Super Stock, Drag Racing Monthly and Full Throttle News. He takes you to Bonneville. Famoso, the Midwest, etc. telling tales of Nitro Neil, the Surfers, Jocko Johnson and many others. All written with complete passion and using his phrase, purity of tone. You will not find another writer that conveys what he is feeling so well. He doesn’t tell you, he shows you. He makes you want to tour the heartland in a ratty old Dodge truck hauling your front engine digger from strip to strip. He makes you appreciate the blood and the emotion that it takes to live this life.