There was a time when you could buy a Deuce coupe for $50. Then it went to $500. Then $5000 and so on. Eventually you had to pay stupid prices for any kind of Deuce. It didn’t matter if it was held together with rust, you still had to pay big bucks. The industry noticed and soon came the fiberglass body. Cheaper, no rust to fix and you didn’t have to pay ‘real Deuce’ prices. Then the purists screamed, ‘if it ain’t steel, it ain’t real’. So came the steel Deuce body to the market.
The same thing is happening to the musclecar market. Have you priced an old Camaro, Mustang or Cuda? Pay up sucka, at least if you want a nice example. Well, the industry noticed again and here came the repops. The June issue of Hot Rod has all the information on all the ‘new’ Camaros, Mustangs and Cudas, as well as the ‘57 Chevies. At first all you could get were convertibles but now you can have coupes/sedans as well. Sure they’re expensive but like the Deuce repos, there is no rust and every panel is straight. The musclecar will live on forever.
If ‘real’ steel is more to your liking then head over to the Bomb Factory. They have more cool cars and parts then one garage should have. Some of their Deuces are just amazing. A beautiful feature car this month is a Bobby Alloway built ‘67 Mustang owned by George Lange. Detailed underneath as well on top, this Mustang is cool as any rod you’ve ever seen. Alloway builds some amazing hot rods and this Mustang carries all the same great craftsmanship.
Tech articles this month cover sub-frames for your ‘67-‘69 Camaro, everything you wanted to know about air conditioning and a crate Hemi in a 1970 Duster. Also, a sorta tech feature is 10 great engines. Pretty neat stuff covering Grumpy’s small block, Garlits’ fuel Hemi, RMS pro stock big-block, Eddie Hill’s 4-second record setter and so on. Pretty cool stuff.