Vintage Musclecars and factory racers is what the cover says and it delivers. Copo Camaros, hemi Chargers, AWB Merc’s are all included in coverage of The Forge Invitational Musclecar Show in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Seriously if the AWB Mercury doesn’t get you going, check your pulse.
Of course as in every issue of Car Craft there are loads of good tech(550hp Gen III 6.0L, New Victor heads for your 440 Chrysler and even an article on how to mold your own engine badges), the strange, a 500 Cad motor in a ‘66 Buick Skylark, the cool, a bad-ass ‘69 Valiant and the usual, a 10-second big-block Chevelle. This Guy’s Garage segment features the friendly confines of Holman-Moody. Whoever has a ‘66 Mk II, a ‘64 T-bolt road-race car and a rebodied Ferrari are my new best friends.
And since every issue has a Krass and Bernie cartoon, it’s always good issue.